NTA JEE Main 2020 - Provisional Answer Keys for Paper-1 and Paper-2
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the provisional answer key for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main on the official website. Candidates who have appeared in the JEE Main 2020 examination can check the answer key. Candidates are also provided with the option to challenge the provisional/ preliminary answer key. The question paper and candidate’s response sheets are also released on the official website.
The JEE Main January session examination was conducted from 6th to 9th January 2020. The exam was conducted through computer based mode and a total of 9,34,828 candidates have registered for the exam.
Steps to Download the Question Paper and Response Sheet
- Go to the official website https://jeemain.nta.nic.in.
- Click on the ‘View Question Paper- JEE (Main) 2020’ button.
- Select any one option. You can download the question paper using the application number and password or application number number and date of birth.
- Enter the details to login.
- Access your question paper and scanned image of response sheet.
Steps to Challenge the Answer Key
- Go to the official website https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/.
- Click on the ‘Challenge Answer Key - JEE (Main) 2020’ button.
- Select one option for login.
- Enter the details for login.
- The answer key will appear on the screen.
- Check the answers. If you think any answer is incorrect, select it, provide the correct answer, mention the reason in support of your answer, and submit it by paying the requisite fee.
Candidates are required to pay an amount of ₹ 1000/- (One Thousand) per question for challenging the answer. If the challenge is found correct, the processing fee will be refunded. The processing fee is to be paid through Debit/ Credit/ Net Banking. The facility to challenge the answer key will remain available from 13th to 15th January 2020 (upto 11:50 PM). Candidates must note that no challenge will be entertained once the window is closed.
The response sheet, question paper, and answer key will help the candidate in calculating their estimated score.
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key
After the challenge window is closed, the challenges are considered by a team of expert. The same are updated in the final answer key. The final answer key will be released along with the result. No challenges will be accepted against the final answer key. The JEE Main result for the January session exam will be announced on 19th January 2020 (Paper-I) and 31st January 2020 (Paper-II). Candidates must keep a check on the official website for JEE Main exam updates.