NCERT Made Major Revisions In NTSE 2017 Stage 2 Exam

Last Modified: 15 Feb 2025

NCERT has brought significant changes in the examination pattern for the second stage of the NTSE 2017 exam. The exam is scheduled to be held on 13th May 2018.

As per the NCERT circular, the revised NTSE examination pattern will be –

  • It has done away with the scheme of negative marking. Earlier, there was a provision for the negative marking. For every incorrect answer, 1/3 rd marks are deducted. Now, no marks will be deducted either from MAT (Mental Ability Test) or SAT (Scholastic Ability Test) papers. This decision has been taken, so as to encourage students to solve every question. The negative marking scheme was found to be an inhibiting tool of evaluation.
  • There will be no ‘Language Paper’ in Stage 2 of the NTSE 2017 exam.
  • Further, changes have been made to the number of questions, marks and the allotted time in each paper. The number of questions in each paper (MAT as well as SAT) paper will be 100. Students will be allotted 120 minutes in each paper.   
  • In the SAT paper the question distribution will be as follows-
  • Mathematics – 20
  • Science - 40
  • Social Science - 40
  • Each paper (MAT and SAT) will contain 100 marks.
  • A candidate should qualify both papers separately to get considered for the scholarship.
  • The minimum qualifying score for a General Category the candidate is 40% and for the SC/ST/Pwd Category of candidate, it is 32%.
  • The NTSE scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the merit. A candidate’s aggregate score will be prepared with the MAT and SAT score.
  • Admit Cards will be auto-generated.