CAT Exam 2022: 5 Rules Of Success
The common Admission Test (CAT) is considered the toughest entrance examination in India. The scheduled date of the exam is knocking at the door. Hopefully, you have already done the preparation. Now it’s the most important time to use all of the collected information and stay calm and focused. So you need to know the tricks to succeed in the exam apart from the study.
- Smartness: In the CAT exam, your smartness is more required than intelligence. In the MCQ part, for a right answer, you will be awarded marks, and for each wrong answer, there is a negative marking of 1 mark. You need to select the question which to answer and which not to answer. The smartness of picking up the right question may open the door to one of the best B-School in India.
- Clear Concept: All the candidates are tested for their quantitative ability, verbal ability, reading comprehension, data interpretation, and logical reasoning. Only memorizing the concept will not help you. You need to understand the concept thoroughly.
- Concentration Power: You need to look at the computer for three long hours without any distractions. This is not an easy task. So you need to work on your concentration power and improve it. You will get only 60 minutes to complete one section comprising MCQs and non-MCQs questions. Reading each of the questions with utmost care and selecting or typing the right answer is not possible without great concentration.
- Practice: Though you are taking mock tests and classroom tests for CAT Exam Preparation, never stop practicing by yourself. Try to do more than the coaching centers and teachers suggest. Don’t leave a chance to put in your best effort. The subjects like Verbal and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude will be improved with practice.
- Don’t Believe in Myth: It is believed that CAT is a very tough examination. Many students crack it every year. So don’t be predetermined and low your confidence level.