XAT Exam 2018 Registration Will End Today

Last Modified: 13 Feb 2025

The online registration for the XAT exam 2018 will end on 15 December 2017.

15 December 2017: The online application for submission for the Xavier Aptitude Test or XAT exam 2018 will be closed on 15 December 2017. The candidate can register themselves on the official website at xatonline.in.

Previously, the last date for the registration was 30th November 2017. Later it was extended till 15 December.

XAT exam will be held on 7th January 2018. XLRI conducts the XAT on behalf of the XAMI.

Steps to apply for the XAT Exam

  1. Visit the official website at xatonline.in
  2. Select the tab ‘Register Online’
  3. Now insert all the details like Name, Contact Details, E-mail Id etc
  4. The system will generate a provisional XAT ID and password which will be displayed on the screen.
  5. The candidate must save the ID and password for future use. The information will also be delivered via email and SMS.
  6. Click on the Submit button after verifying the submitted data.
  7. Now select ‘validate your details’ and ‘save & next’ button
  8. The candidate has to enter all the required data.
  9. Now select ‘Final Submit’ only button
  10. Click on the ‘Payment’ tab after
  11. After completing the payment, select Submit button to close the process.

If the candidate is not able to complete the process in one go, they can use the ‘Save and Next’ button to resume it as required.

The uploaded photograph must be of recent time of the candidate. The image size for XAT exam will be 200 X 230 Pixel (20kb -50 kb). The signature size of the XAT application form should be 140 X 60 pixel (10kb – 20kb).