How to Prepare the SSC Junior Engineering Civil Exam 2020?

Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Junior Engineer exam for the recruitment of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) in various government departments. The notification for the 2019-20 recruitment was released in 2019. The Paper-1 was scheduled to be held in March 2020. However, the same has been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. The exam dates are yet to be announced. Moreover, the SSC JE 2020-21 notification is scheduled to be released in August 2020. Here are the tips on how to prepare for the SSC JE Civil exam.

How to Prepare for the SSC JE Civil Exam?

Civil Engineering is one of the subjects of the SSC JE exam. Here are some tips to prepare for the SSC JE Civil exam:

  • The questions in the Civil Engineering section are mostly from the theory section. Around 70 to 80% questions are from the theoretical portion. So, clear the concepts to answer the maximum questions.
  • Remaining 20% questions are from the numerical section. Get the formulae on your fingertips.
  • Identify the Important Topics - Check out the previous years’ questions papers to identify the most frequently asked topics in the exam. You can make a list of such topics and those which are not popular. Then, make study-plan to focus more on the important topics.
  • For the Main (Paper-2) refer to your course books and college notes. You need to answer the questions in the Paper-2 either in Hindi or English language.

Popular Books for SSC JE Civil Exam

Here are some of the recommended books for SSC JE Civil preparation. These books are suggested by subject experts and previous qualifiers. You can click on the book name to reach the purchase link for the book.

Tips to Crack the SSC JE Exam

These tips are to be followed from the day you start to prepare for the SSC JE exam. These will be helpful for the SSC JE 2020-21 recruitment.

Know the Exam - The first thing before starting the preparation is to know the exam which means to check out the syllabus and exam pattern. Take a print of the syllabus and stick it in front of your study-desk so that you don’t read any unnecessary topics. Understanding the exam pattern will help you in knowing the number of questions, type of questions, marking scheme, duration, the language of question paper, etc. All this information helps in getting familiar with the exam. Here are the details for SSC JE exam:

Exam Name

SSC JE Recruitment

Number of Papers


Number of Questions

Paper-1 - 200, Paper-II - Questions of 300 Marks

Mode of exam

Paper-I - CBT, Paper-II - Descriptive

Language of Question Paper

Hindi and English

Duration of Exam

2 hours for each paper

Marking Scheme

1 mark for each question in Paper-1, Negative marking in Paper-1 (0.25 marks). Marks according to questions in Paper-II

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  • Set Motivational Goals - It is important to set motivation goals before starting your preparation. Motivational goals include the answer to ‘Why’. You need to think about why you want to clear SSC and join Government as Junior Engineer. You can also find an answer to what you want to do once you get your dream job. Write down your motivations on a paper and paste the same where it is visible daily. Looking at these goals will be beneficial whenever you feel low during the preparation or think of giving up.
  • Allocate Study Time - Make a time-table for studying that you can easily follow every day. Yes, you need to make a routine of studying daily. If you keep gaps between your preparation, you won’t be able to crack the SSC JE exam. So, make a time-table that fits with your schedule. Allocate time as per the difficulty level of subjects.
  • Solve Previous Years Question Papers - Solving previous years’ question papers help in enhancing the preparation level. You can solve the questions topic-wise as your study continues or solve the entire paper after you have studied all the topics. Also, do solve topic-related questions at the end of studying the topic.
  • Appear for Mock Tests - Appear for SSC JE mock tests which are easily available online. The mock tests are of the exact duration as of the exam. When you appear for the mock test, make note of the time you are spending on each question. After completing the mock test, analyse the paper for your accuracy, time-management, etc. Also, decide on the strategy for attempting the question paper.

Dedication and Discipline to study daily is the only key to get success in the SSC JE exam or in any other exam. If you study daily, you revise the topics continuously and this helps in getting a strong grip on the syllabus. Thus, results in better performance in the exam.