TS EAMCET 2023: Application Form(Started), Exam Date(Out), Eligibility, Pattern, Syllabus, Result & Counselling
TS EAMCET, otherwise known as Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test, is a state-level entrance exam held once a year. On behalf of TSCHE (Telangana State Council of Higher Education), the Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University Hyderabad conducts the exam and filters students for admission into several undergraduate professional courses offered by many leading colleges and universities in the state. TS EAMCET exam paves the way for eligible students to get admission in various Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical (Pharmacy, Veterinary, etc.) courses. Here are the complete details for TS EAMCET 2023 exam.
TS EAMCET 2023 Latest Update:
- TS EAMCET 2023 exam dates are finalized and will be conducted on 7th to 11th May 2023 for Engineering and 12th and 14th May 2023 for Agriculture.
TS EAMCET 2023 - Highlights
Exam Name |
Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test |
Exam Conducting Authority |
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad |
Exam Frequency |
Once a year |
Exam Mode |
Online |
Exam Duration |
3 hours |
Accepting Colleges |
228 colleges |
Official Website |
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TS EAMCET Exam 2023 Important Dates
Let’s have a glimpse at the official schedule of the TS EAMCET 2023 exam. The exact exam dates are announced.
TS EAMCET 2023 Events |
Important Dates |
TS EAMCET Notification date |
March 2023 |
Online application form submission begins |
March 2023 |
Last date to submit the application form without a late fee |
March 2023 |
Correction in the online application form |
April 2023 |
Last date for submission of application form with late fee of ₹ 250/- |
April 2023 |
Last date for submission of application form with late fee of ₹ 500/- |
April 2023 |
Admit card to be available at the official portal (eamcet.tsche.ac.in) |
May 2023 |
TS EAMCET Examination 2023 Exam Timings Forenoon Session: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Afternoon Session: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM |
Engineering (E): 7th to 11th May 2023 Agriculture & Medical (AM): 12th to 14th May 2023 |
Final Answer key |
May 2023 |
Result announcement |
June 2023 |
Counselling process begins |
August 2023 |
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TS EAMCET 2023 Exam Schedule
Exam Subjects |
Exam Dates (Sessions) |
Agriculture and Medical (AM) |
TBA (FN and AN) |
TBA (FN) |
Engineering (E) |
TBA (FN & AN) |
TBA (FN & AN) |
TBA (FN) |
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TS EAMCET Exam 2023 Pattern & Syllabus
TS EAMCET 2023 Exam Pattern
This 3-hour long exam will be conducted in a computer-based mode where the students will get to answer multiple-choice questions. Each question will carry 1 mark; hence, the total of 160 questions will carry a total of 160 marks. The candidates must be well-versed in three major subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
For Engineering |
For Agriculture |
Physics: 40 marks |
Physics: 40 marks |
Chemistry: 40 marks |
Chemistry: 40 marks |
Mathematics: 80 marks |
Botany: 40 marks |
Total marks: 160 marks |
Zoology: 40 marks |
Duration: 180 minutes |
Total marks: 160 marks |
Duration: 180 minutes |
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Negative Marking - There will be no negative markings in the exam.
Language of the Question Paper - English and Telugu or English and Urdu
Weightage to Intermediate Marks - 25%
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Computer Based Test (CBT) Question 1: What are documents required to be carried to the examination center? Candidates are required to carry a hall ticket, a printout of the online application form with a photograph (attested by the principal of the last institute), and a photocopy of the caste certificate. Question 2: Where can I find my seating details for the exam? The seating details will be pasted on the notice board at the exam center. You can take the help of the invigilator to find your computer lab. Question 3: How will I get the login credentials for the Computer Based Test? The login credentials for the Computer Based Test will be provided 10 minutes before the commencement of the exam. Question 4: Can I change the answer after I have saved it? Yes. You can make changes in the selected answer option by clicking on another option and saving it. Question 5: How can I track time during the exam? The timer is displayed at the top right corner of the screen. It will give you an idea about the time left for exam closure. Question 6: Can I switch subjects in between the exam? Yes. You can switch subjects/ sections between the exam by clicking on the respective subject name. Question 7: Can I carry a calculator to the exam center? No, calculators are not allowed inside the examination center. Question 8: How will I know if the answer is saved or not? The saved answers turn green in color in the Question Palette on the right side of the screen. After selecting an answer, click on the ‘Save & Next' button. Question 9: What if some problem occurs in the computer during the exam? Report the issue to the invigilator and you will be provided with a new computer. The timer will start from the point when the problem occurred. So, you will not lose any time. Also, all the answers you have marked will remain intact. Question 10: Do I need to be a computer expert to appear in the computer-based test? No. You just need to know the navigation and select the answer. It is advised to appear for the mock test to get familiar with the computer-based test. The mock test is available on the official website. |
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Syllabus for TS EAMCET 2023 AM Stream (Agriculture, Pharmacy, Veterinary, etc.):
Diversity in the Living World
The living world, Biological Classification, Science of plants – Botany, Plant Kingdom.
Structural Organisation in Plants- Morphology
Morphology of flowering Plants: Vegetative, Reproductive, Flower, Fruits.
Reproduction in Plants
Modes of Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants.
Plant Systematics
Taxonomy of angiosperms, Description of Families: Fabaceae, Solanaceae and Liliaceae.
Cell Structure and Function
Cell - The Unit of Life, Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Division.
Internal Organisation of Plants
Histology and Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Plant Ecology
Ecological Adaptations, Succession and Ecological Services, Ecological services
Plant Physiology
Transport in Plants: Means of Transport, Mineral Nutrition, Enzymes, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration of Plants, Plant Growth and Development.
Bacteria, Viruses.
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Molecular Biology
Molecular Basis of inheritance: DNA, RNA, Replication, Transcription, tRNA.
Principles and processes of Biotechnology, Biotechnology and its applications.
Plants, Microbes and Human Welfare
Strategies for enhancement in food production, Microbes in Human Welfare.
Zoology - Diversity Of Living World, Structural Organization in Animals, Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla, Animal Diversity-II:Phylum: Chordata, Locomotion & Reproduction in Protozoa, Biology & Human Welfare, Type Study of Periplaneta Americana, Ecology & Environment, Human Anatomy and Physiology-I (Digestion and absorption, Breathing and Respiration), Human Anatomy and Physiology-II (Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their elimination), Human Anatomy and Physiology-III (Muscular and Skeletal system, Neural Control and Coordination), Human Anatomy and Physiology-IV (Endocrine system and chemical coordination, Hypo and Hyperactivity and related disorders, Immune system), Human Reproduction (Human Reproductive System, Reproductive Health), Genetics, Organic Evolution, Applied Biology.
Physical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in A Straight Line, Motion in A Plane, Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits and Nuclei.
Atomic Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases, Hydrogen and Its Compounds, The S - Block Elements (Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals), P- Block Elements Group 13 (Boron Family), P-Block Elements - Group 14 (Carbon Family), Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles, Techniques and Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles of Metallurgy, P-Block Elements, D and F Block Elements & Coordination Compounds, Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Organic Compounds Containing C, H and O.
Syllabus for TS EAMCET 2023 Engineering Stream:
The Chemistry and Physics subjects will have the same topics as mentioned above. Check out what Mathematics subject has in store for you.
Functions: Types, Definitions, Domain, Range, Inverse functions and Theorems, Inverse of real-valued functions.
Mathematical Induction: Principle of Mathematical Induction & Theorems, Applications of Mathematical Induction, Problems on divisibility.
Matrices: Types of matrices, Scalar multiple of a matrix and multiplication of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Adjoint and Inverse of a matrix, Determinants, Consistency and inconsistency of Equations, Rank of a matrix, solution of simultaneous linear equations.
Complex Numbers: Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers, Representation of complex numbers in the form ???? + ????????, fundamental operations, Modulus and amplitude of complex numbers, Illustrations, Geometrical and Polar Representation of complex numbers in Argand plane, Argand diagram.
De Moivre’s Theorem: De Moivre’s theorem- Integral and Rational indices, Geometrical Interpretations, nth roots of unity, Illustrations.
Quadratic Expressions: Quadratic expressions, Sign of quadratic expressions, equations in one variable, Change in signs, Maximum and minimum values, and Quadratic inequalities.
Theory of Equations: The relation between the roots and coefficients in an equation, Equation with real coefficients, Solving the equations when two or more roots of it are connected by certain relation, the occurrence of complex roots in conjugate pairs and its consequences, Transformation of equations, Reciprocal Equations.
Permutations and Combinations: Fundamental Principle of counting, linear and circular permutations, Permutations when repetitions allowed, Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar things taken ‘r’ at a time, Circular permutations, Permutations with constraint repetitions, Combinations, definitions, certain theorems.
Binomial Theorem: Binomial theorem for positive integral index, Binomial theorem for rational Index (without proof), Approximations using Binomial theorem.
Partial Fractions: Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains non - repeated linear factors, Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains repeated and/or non-repeated linear factors, Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains irreducible factors only.
Trigonometric Ratios up to Transformations: Graphs and Periodicity of Trigonometric functions, Trigonometric ratios and Compound angles, Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub-multiple angles, Sum and Product rules, Transformations.
Trigonometric Equations: General Solution of Trigonometric Equations, Simple Trigonometric Equations, Solutions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions: To reduce a Trigonometric Function into a bijection Graphs of Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Hyperbolic Functions: Definition of Hyperbolic Function – Graphs - Definition of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions – Graphs - Addition formulae of Hyperbolic Functions
Properties of Triangles: Relation between sides and angles of a Triangle, Half angle formulae and areas of a triangle, Sine, Cosine, Tangent and Projection rules, Incircle and Excircle of a Triangle.
Vector Algebra
Addition of Vectors: Vectors as a triad of real numbers, Addition of vectors, Classification of vectors, Scalar multiplication, Angle between two non-zero vectors, Linear combination of vectors, Vector equations of line and plane including their Cartesian equivalent forms, Component of a vector in three dimensions.
Product of Vectors: Scalar Product, orthogonal projections, Geometrical Interpretations, Properties of the dot product, Angle between two vectors, Expression of the dot product in ????,????, ???? the system, Geometric Vector methods, Vector equations of the plane in normal form, Angle between two planes, Vector product of two vectors and properties, Vector Areas, Vector product in ????,????, ???? system, Scalar Triple Product, Vector equations of the plane in different forms, skew lines, shortest distance and their Cartesian equivalents. The plane through the line of intersection of two planes, perpendicular distance of a point from a plane, condition for coplanarity of two lines, and the angle between the line and a plane. Cartesian equivalents of all these results, Vector Triple Product, Results.
Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean deviation, Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data, Coefficient of variation and analysis of frequency distribution with equal means but different variances.
Probability: Random experiments and events, Classical definition of probability, Axiomatic approach and addition theorem of probability, conditional probability, independent and dependent events, multiplication theorem and Bayer's theorem.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Random Variables, Theoretical discrete distributions, Binomial and Poisson Distributions.
Coordinate Geometry
Locus: Definition of locus, Illustrations to find equations of locus, Problems connected to it.
Transformation of Axes: Transformation of axes: Rules, Derivations and Illustrations, Rotation of axes: Derivations, Illustrations.
The Straight Line: Revision of fundamental results, straight line: Normal form, Illustrations, Straight line: Symmetric form, Straight line: Reduction into various forms, Intersection of two Straight Lines, Family of straight lines, Concurrent lines, Condition for Concurrent lines, Length of the perpendicular from a point to a Line, Angle between two lines, Concurrent lines, Distance between two parallel lines, properties related to a triangle.
Pair of Straight Lines: Equations of pair of lines passing through the origin, Condition for perpendicular and coincident lines, the angle between a pair of lines, bisectors of angles, Pair of bisectors of angles, Pair of lines, second-degree general equation, Point of the intersection of pair of lines, Conditions for parallel lines, the distance between them, Homogenizing a second-degree equation with a first-degree equation in ???? and ????.
Circle: Equation of circle, standard form, center and radius of a circle with a given line segment as diameter & equation of a circle through three non-collinear points, parametric equations of a circle, Position of a point in the plane of a circle, power of a point definition of a tangent, length of a tangent, Position of a straight line in the plane of a circle, conditions for a line to be tangent, chord joining two points on a circle, point of contact-equation of normal, equation of the tangent at a point on the circle, Chord of contact, pole and polar-conjugate points and conjugate lines, equation of chord with given middle point, Relative position of two circles, circles touching each other externally, internally, common tangents, centers of similitude, equation of pair of tangents from an external point.
System of Circles: Angle between two intersecting circles, Radical axis of two circles, properties, radical center, Common chord and common tangent of two circles, Intersection of a line and a Circle.
Parabola: Conic sections, Parabola, equation of the parabola in standard form, parametric equations, different forms of parabola, Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola (Cartesian and parametric), conditions for a straight line to be a tangent.
Ellipse: Equation of ellipse in standard form, Parametric equations, Equation of tangent and normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and parametric), condition for a straight line to be a tangent.
Hyperbola: Equation of hyperbola in standard form, Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and parametric), Parametric equations, conditions for a straight line to be a tangent, Asymptotes.
Three Dimensional Coordinates: Coordinates, Section formulae, Centroid of a triangle and tetrahedron.
Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios: Direction Cosines, Direction Ratios.
Plane: Cartesian equation of Plane, Simple Illustrations.
Limits and Continuity: Intervals and neighborhoods, Limits, Standard Limits, Continuity.
Differentiation: Derivative of a function, Elementary Properties, Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic Function, Derivatives, Methods of Differentiation, Second-Order Derivatives.
Applications of Derivatives: Errors and approximations, Geometrical Interpretation of a derivative, Equations of tangents and normals, Lengths of a tangent, normal, subtangent and subnormal, Angles between two curves and conditions for orthogonality of curves, Derivative as Rate of change, Increasing and decreasing functions - Maxima and Minima, Rolle’s Theorem and Lagrange’s Mean value theorem without proofs and their geometrical interpretation.
Integration: Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, Standard forms, properties of integrals, Method of substitution, integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, Integration by parts, Integration - Partial fractions method, Reduction formulae.
Definite Integrals: Definite Integral as the limit of a sum, Interpretation of Definite Integral as an area, Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus, Properties, Reduction formulae, Application of Definite integral to areas.
Differential Equations: Formation of a differential equation, Degree and order of an ordinary differential equation, Solving differential equation by i) Variables separable method, ii) Homogeneous differential equation, iii) Non - Homogeneous differential equation, iv) Linear differential equations.
Physical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in A Straight Line, Motion in A Plane, Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits and Nuclei.
Atomic Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases, Hydrogen and Its Compounds, The S - Block Elements (Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals), P- Block Elements Group 13 (Boron Family), P-Block Elements - Group 14 (Carbon Family), Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles, Techniques and Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles of Metallurgy, P-Block Elements, D and F Block Elements & Coordination Compounds, Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Organic Compounds Containing C, H and O.
TS EAMCET 2023 Exam - Preparation Tips
The following tips can help the candidates in their TS EAMCET exam preparation. Include these tips in your exam preparation strategy.
Know your Strong and Weak Points
While going through the syllabus, make a note of your strong and weak topics. This will help in making the study routine as you will be aware of which topic needs more attention. Being familiar with your strengths and weaknesses also gives you confidence and helps in developing a strategy for attempting the exam.
Get Good Study Material
Study material/ books play an important role in exam preparation. You must study from the right books for the best preparation. Check out the recommended books for the exam. NCERT and class XI and XII books are considered best for understanding the basic concepts. Additionally, you can buy some exam preparation books or sample papers for practice.
Focus on the Concepts
Most of the entrance exams test the candidates in their understanding of the basic concepts of a particular subject. So, put your focus on understanding the concepts rather than rote learning. If you know the concept, you can answer any type of question-related to the topic.
Practice is the key to success in any exam. The more you practice, the better you will understand the topics. Solving questions daily will help in improving speed and accuracy. Practice through sample papers, previous years’ question papers, etc.
Revision is another thing that is important for retaining all that you have studied. If you don’t revise the topics you have studied, you are more likely to forget or mix things up in the exam. Weekly revisions and a month of revision before the exam are musts. While studying, make short notes of important points which will help in last month's revision.
Stress Busters
It is important to include stress busters in your exam preparation. Practice meditation and yoga, include physical activity/ sports, go for a walk in a park, listen to good music, talk with your friends and family, and enjoy a good movie or anything that will refresh your mind. However, limited time for these activities. After all, your main goal is exam preparation. Eat healthy food and get enough rest.
TS EAMCET Exam 2023 Eligibility
- The applicant must be an Indian citizen.
- He must have done 10+2 or XII with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
- He must have secured 45% marks. For reserved candidates, it is 40%.
- The minimum age required is 16 years.
TS EAMCET Exam 2023 Application Process
The TS EAMCET application forms are accepted only through the online mode. Candidates can access the application form through the official website and must fill in the same before the last date of application submission. Here is the process for filling out the TS EAMCET 2023 application form, along with other important details.
Requirements for Filling the TS EAMCET 2023 Application Form
Candidates must have the following things ready to fill out the application form smoothly:
- Aadhaar Card details
- Active Email Account
- Valid Mobile Number
- Debit Card Credit Card or Net Banking details for fee payment
- Qualifying examination details (Hall Tickets)
How to Fill the TS EAMCET 2023 Online Application Form?
The eligible and interested candidates need to apply the application form in three simple steps. The below-mentioned steps are drawn from the official portal. They are –
- Step 1: Pay Registration Fee
- Step 2: Fill out Online Application
- Step 3: Print Filled-in Application
Let’s check out all steps in detail.
Step 1 – Pay Registration Fee
- Visit the official website - https://eamcet.tsche.ac.in.
- Under the ‘Online Application’ section, click on the ‘Pay Registration Fee’ option.
- Fill in the details asked for, select the payment type, and click on the ‘Proceed to Payment’ button.
- Details will be asked for payment as per the selected mode of payment. Provide the details and click on the ‘Make Payment’ button.
- After successful fee payment, the payment status and payment reference ID will appear on the screen.
Know Your Fee Payment Status The option to check the fee payment status is also provided if the transaction ID is not displayed. After completing the fee payment process, candidates can check their fee payment status. Details required for checking the fee payment status are qualifying exam hall ticket number, date of birth, mobile number, and stream for TS EAMCET exam. The option to check the fee status is available on the home page. |
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Step 2 – Fill out Online Application:
- After the successful fee payment, click on the ‘Proceed to Fill Application’ button.
- Click on the ‘fill Online application’ link. You can also fill out the application form later.
- Your payment reference ID, hall ticket number of the qualifying exam, mobile number, and date of birth will appear on the screen. Verify the same and click on the ‘Proceed to Fill Application’ button.
- The application form will appear on the screen. Fill in all the details.
Important Note: “If the candidate has Qualified / Appeared from Board of Intermediate Education, TS/AP, and the data will be automatically populated from the database. Otherwise, the candidate should furnish the necessary details by entering the details in appropriate fields.” Photographs and signatures will also populate from the existing Intermediate database (For those passed in 2013 to 2020 and passed/appeared in 2021). |
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- After filling in all the details, click on the Next button.
- The filled-in application form will appear. Check all the details and click ‘Modify’ if any changes are required. Otherwise, ‘Submit’ the form.
- After successful submission, a pop-up alert will appear on the screen for successful submission of the form, and a registration number will be generated.
- Note the registration number and click on the ‘Print application’ button.
Step 3 – Print Filled-in Application:
The receipt of the filled-in application form will appear on the screen.
- Click on the ‘Print’ button, and you will be redirected to step 3.
- Click the link and click the ‘Get Application Details’ button.
- Print the application form.
TS EAMCET 2023 Registration Fee:
Candidates applying for Engineering or Agriculture & Medical streams need to pay an amount of ₹ 800/- for others and ₹ 400/- for SC/ST. Those applying for Engineering and Agriculture and Medical streams are required to pay ₹ 1,600/- for others and ₹ 800/- for SC/ST. If applicants miss out on the last date to submit their application forms, they would need to pay an additional late fee. So, don’t miss the last date!
TS EAMCET Exam 2023 Other Details
Courses Offered under TS EAMCET
Various Engineering and Agriculture and Medical courses are offered under the TS EAMCET exam. Following are the courses:
Engineering (E) Courses
- Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology (B.E./ B.Tech.)
- Bachelor of Technology (Agricultural Engineering) - (B.Tech. - Agricultural Engg.)
- Bachelor of Technology (Bio-Technology) (M.P.C.) - (B.Tech. - Biotechnology M.P.C.)
- Bachelor of Technology (Dairy Technology) - B.Tech. (Dairy Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Food Technology) - B.Tech. (FT)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (M.P.C.) - B.Pharm (M.P.C.)
- Doctor of Pharmacy (M.P.C.) - Pharm-D (M.P.C.)
Agriculture and Medical (AM) Courses
- Bachelor of Science (Honours Horticulture) - B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science (Honours Agriculture) - B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science (Forestry) - B.Sc. (Forestry)
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Animal Husbandry) - B.V.Sc. & Animal Husbandry
- Bachelor of Fisheries Sciences (B.F.Sc.)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Bi.P.C) - B.Pharm (Bi.P.C)
- Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology (Bi.P.C.) - B.Tech. (Biotechnology - Bi.P.C.)
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Bi.P.C.) - Pharm.D (Bi.P.C.)
TS EAMCET Test Zones/ Centers
TS EAMCET exam is held at 20 test zones in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as follows:
Test Zones |
Number of Exam Centers |
Hyderabad |
5 |
Telangana |
11 |
Andhra Pradesh |
4 |
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Candidates are required to select the test zones as per their choice while filling out the online application form. No request for change in the examination zone will be entertained at any stage.
TS EAMCET 2023 Exam Centers
The zone-wise test center/ cities list is as follows:
S.No. |
Test Zones |
Test Centers/ Cities |
1 |
Hyderabad Central |
Abids |
Moula Ali |
Nacharam |
Secunderabad |
2 |
Hyderabad East |
Aushapur |
Boduppal |
Cherlapally IDA |
Ghatkesar |
Korremula |
Kessara |
Uppal Depot |
3 |
Hyderabad North |
Dundigal |
Medchal |
Maisammaguda |
Old Alwal |
4 |
Hyderabad South East |
Hayath Nagar |
Ibrahimpatnam |
LB Nagar |
Karmanghat |
Nadergul |
Nagole |
Ramoji Film City |
Shamshabad |
5 |
Hyderabad West |
Himayat Sagar |
Hafeezpet |
Bachupally |
Kukatpally |
Shaikpet |
Gandipet |
Moinabad |
6 |
Sathupally |
Palvoncha |
Sathupally |
7 |
Karimnagar |
Jagtial |
Manthani |
Karimnagar |
Siddipet |
8 |
Sangareddy |
Sultanpur |
Narsapur |
Rudraram |
Patancheru |
9 |
Nizamabad |
Nizamabad |
Armoor |
10 |
Warangal |
Hanamkonda |
Hasanparthy |
Warangal |
11 |
Kodad |
Kodad |
12 |
Nalgonda |
Nalgonda |
13 |
Khammam |
Khammam |
14 |
Adilabad |
Adilabad |
15 |
Mahabubnagar |
Mahabubnagar |
16 |
Kurnool |
Kurnool |
17 |
Narsampet |
Narsampet |
18 |
Tirupathi |
Tirupathi |
19 |
Visakhapatnam |
Visakhapatnam |
20 |
Vijayawada |
Vijayawada |
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TS EAMCET Admit Card 2023
Admit cards for the TS EAMCET exam will be uploaded on the official website - https://eamcet.tsche.ac.in. The admit cards will be available online. Candidates must keep a check on the official website for the same.
Candidates can download the admit card using their log-in credentials. The admit card will contain the details about the exam, such as the name of the exam center, date, and time, etc. Admit card is a mandatory document for entry to the examination hall.
TS EAMCET 2023 Exam Result
The TS EAMCET result date has not been notified yet. Candidates can check the result on the official website. Use your login ID and password to check the result.
TS EAMCET Counselling 2023
After the result, the online counselling process will start on the official website. The counselling process schedule will be released soon. Candidates are required to register for the online counselling process.
TS EAMCET 2023 - Helpline
FAQs related to different topics are provided on the official website. If candidates don’t find an answer to their queries, candidates can call the TS EAMCET 2023 office at 8499861703 and 9100718007.
TS EAMCET Exam Frequently Asked Questions
Since the examination will be held in the capital of the state, i.e. Hyderabad. Students from Andhra Pradesh too can apply.
You can refer to the above-furnished syllabus section to have a glimpse of the subjects and the topics they cover. To have access to the detailed syllabus, visit the official portal.
The application forms are available at the official website of the Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test.
No, the application fee is non-refundable.
Yes. However, no changes in the application form will be allowed after the correction window closes.
No, you don’t need to send the hard copy of the filled-in application form to the TS EAMCET office.
Yes, you can enter the mobile number of your parents or Guardian. A mobile number is mandatory for filling up the application form.
Sachin Shrivastava, August 28, 2019
Other state students can apply for TS EAMCET exam?
Exams Planner, August 31, 2019
Yes, but the admission will be given under non-local quota.