CSIR UGC NET Syllabus 2022 for JRF and Assistant Professor Eligibility
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India conducts joint CSIR UGC NET for selecting candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowship and for the eligibility of Lecturer. CSIR Nation Eligibility Test is conducted for the following Science stream subjects:
- Chemical Sciences
- Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physical Sciences
Candidates are required to apply for any one of the above subjects preferably their subject of post-graduation. A single paper test is conducted comprising Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The paper is divided into three parts – Part A, B, and C. Part A consist of questions on General Aptitude while the other two parts have subject-related questions.
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Here is the complete syllabus of all the subjects of CSIR UGC NET. We have listed the important topics here and the detailed version of the syllabus can be downloaded in PDF form from the links provided below.
The syllabus of chemical sciences includes topics from inorganic, physical, and organic chemistry. Some interdisciplinary topics are also included in the syllabus viz.
1. Chemistry in nanoscience and technology
2. Catalysis and green chemistry
3. Medicinal chemistry
4. Supramolecular chemistry
5. Environmental chemistry
Download complete syllabus for CSIR NET Chemical Sciences
The paper will consist of 3 sections – Part A, part B, and Part C.
Part A will test the candidate on General Aptitude. The candidate must read the books on general awareness. It will also include questions on teaching aptitude, logical reasoning, and quantitative aptitude.
The syllabus of Earth Sciences for Part B includes topics such as the earth and the solar system, interior of the earth, oceans and atmosphere, and environmental earth sciences.
Part C syllabus includes topics from geology, physical geography, geophysics, meteorology, ocean sciences.
Download complete syllabus for CSIR NET Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
Life Sciences subject includes the following important topics:
- Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
- Cellular Organization
- Fundamental Processes
- Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
- Developmental Biology
- System Physiology – Plant
- System Physiology – Animal
- Inheritance Biology
- Diversity of Life Forms
- Ecological Principles
- Evolution and Behavior
- Applied Biology
- Methods in Biology
Download complete syllabus for CSIR NET Life Sciences
The syllabus includes topics such as algebra, linear algebra, complex analysis, topology, ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations), PDEs (Partial Differential Equations), numerical analysis, calculus of variations, linear integral equations, classical mechanics, and Data Analysis.
Download complete syllabus for CSIR NET Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences Syllabus for CSIR UGC NET includes:
- Mathematical methods of Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Quantum Mechanics
- Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics
- Electronics and Experimental Methods
- Atomic & Molecular Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Download complete syllabus for CSIR NET Physical Sciences
Prepare well for your CSIR NET exam!