SSC Delhi Police Constable Exam 2017 Answer Key Released
The Staff Selection Commission has released the answer key of the SSC Delhi Constable Exam 2017.
21 December 2017: The answer key for the SSC Delhi Police Constable Exam 2017 has been released by the Staff Selection Commission. The qualified candidates can check it from the official website.
The computer based examination was conducted to recruit the constables in both males and females positions between 5th December to 8th December. There were 1,55,435 candidates applied for the job and 1,44,814 candidates had appeared on the SSC examination at various examination centres all over India.
Steps to check the answer key for Delhi Constable Exam 2017:
- Visit the official website of Staff Selection Commission at
- On the home page, select the link named ‘Constables (Executive) - Male and Female in Delhi Police - 2016 Uploading of Tentative Answer Keys'.
- A new page will appear with the answer key link
- Now the candidate has to enter the city, registration number, date of birth in the allotted spaces.
- Now download the answer key and take a print out for the future reference