NCHMCT JEE 2018 Application Process Begins
Students interested in Hotel Management courses can apply for NCHMCT JEE 2018. The last date for application form is 11 April 2018.
10 January 2018: The National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) has issued the online application form for students who are interested in getting admission into B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration course. Students can visit the official website (www.nchm.nic.in) for filling the NCHMCT JEE 2018 application form. The application forms were made available from 24 December 2017 and will be open till 11 April 2018.
Every year NCHMCT conducts a Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) for admission to its Bachelor of Science program in Hospitality and Hotel Administration. This is a three-year (Six Semesters) course which is offered jointly by the National Council for Hotel Management and the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Students are tested on areas –
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, English Language, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, and Aptitude for Service Sector.
Admit cards for the exam will be released on 20 April 2018 (05:00 PM). The written examination will be conducted on 28 April 2018 from 10 AM to 1PM. Result of the NCHMCT JEE 2018 is scheduled to be announced in the third week of May 2018. Students can check the result on the Council’s website.
Check out application process, eligibility and exam pattern of NCHMCT JEE 2018.