Union Public Service Commission Indian Engineering Services (IES) Eligibility Criteria

Last Modified: 18 Jan 2025

Indian Engineering Services (IES) comprises of engineers who work for the Government of India and are designated as Scale – 1 officer in various sectors of the economy such as Indian Railways, Central Water Engineering, Power, Telecommunications, Roads etc. The initial position offered to a candidate is that of an Assistant Executive Engineer and then the hierarchy goes till Chairman.

The Union Public Service Commission conducts a combined competitive examination known as Engineering Service Examination (ESE) for recruitment to the Indian Engineering Services. The examination process involves a written examination followed by an interview. Following is the eligibility criteria for the UPSC IES Exam

UPSC IES Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for UPSC IES can be categorised as under:

  • Nationality
  • Age Limits
  • Educational Qualification

Let’s have a look on each category separately


  • A candidate must be either:
  • A citizen of India or
  • A citizen of Nepal or Bhutan or
  • A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1January 1962 for settling permanently in the country or
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma or East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia , Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam for settling in the country.

Candidates belonging to any of the 2, 3 or 4 category must have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India.

Age Limits

A candidate must have attained 21 years of age and must not have attained 30 years of age on 1 August of the exam year.

There is a relaxation in the upper-age limit (30) upto 35 years for Government servants in the following categories:

  • Employee in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in Column 1 of the table.
  • Employee in any of the services/posts mentioned in Column 2 of the table.

Column 1

Column 2

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)






Central Public Works Department

C.E.S. Group ‘A’, CE & MES Gr. ‘A’

Directorate General Ordnance Factories

I.O.F.S. Group ‘A’

Central Electricity Authority

C.P.E. Service Gr ‘B’

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

Central Engineering Service Gr. ‘A’ (Roads)

Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology, Deptt. of Telecommunication & Deptt. of Posts

AEE of P&T Building Works Gr ‘A’ Service, Engineer in Indian Radio Regulatory Service Gr ‘A’

Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals

I.I.S. Gr ‘A’

Central Water Commission

Central Water Engineering Service Gr ‘A’

Geological Survey of India

Assistant Executive Engineer Gr ‘A’

Min of Science and Technology, Deptt. of Science and Technology

Survey of India Gr ‘A’ Service

Border Roads Organisation

BRES Gr. ‘A’

Indian Navy

Indian Naval Armament Service, Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I

Military Engineer Services

Indian Defence Service of Engineers (lDSE) Group ‘A’ AEE(QS&C( in Military Engineer Service (MES) Surveyor Cadre

Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Min of Defence

AEE Gr ‘A’(Elect. Engg. Posts) in Corps of EME, Min of Defence.

Scroll left or right to view full table

The upper age-limit prescribed above will be further considered for relaxation under the following provision:

  • Upto maximum of 5 years of relaxation if a candidate belongs to a SC (Scheduled Caste) or ST (Scheduled Tribe) category.
  • Upto maximum of 3 years if a candidate belongs to OBC category.
  • Upto maximum of 5 years for candidates having domicile of Jammu & Kashmir for the period from 1 January 1980 to 31 December 1989.
  • Upto maximum of 3 years for defence service personnel who are disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in disturbed area.
  • Upto maximum of 5 years for ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officer and SSCOs/ECOs who have rendered minimum 5 years of Military service as on 1 August and have been released:
    • On completion of assignment other than those dismissed/discharged due to misconduct or inefficiency
    • On account of physical disability during military service
    • On invalidment
  • Upto maximum 5 years of relaxation for ECOs/SSCOs who have completed five years of Military services as on 1 August or whose assignment has been extended for more than five years or to whom the Ministry of Defence has issued a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and will be released on three months’ notice from the date of receipt of appointment offer, if selected.
  • Upto maximum of 10 years for blind, deaf-mute and orthopedically handicapped.

Important Points

  • Please note that only the Date Of Birth (DOB) as mentioned in the Matriculation/Secondary examination certificate will be accepted by the commission.
  • Candidates are advised to enter the date of birth carefully while filling the application form as any variations found in date of birth results in disciplinary action against them.
  • No changes will be allowed in Date of birth under any circumstances.

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Educational Qualifications

  • Should have an engineering degree from a recognised university or an equivalent education institute (that must be) incorporated by an act of Parliament or an act of state or central legislature or declared as deemed universities under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956.


  1. Passed both Section A and B of the IE (Institution Examinations) of the
  2. Institution of Engineers, India or
  3. Obtained an engineering degree/diploma from any foreign Institution/College/University recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time or
  4. Passed Graduate Membership Examination (GME) of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India or
  5. Passed Associate Membership Examination (AME) Part II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India or
  6. Passed Graduate Membership Examination (GME) of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London conducted after November 1959
  • Candidates applying for Electronics Engineering posts and Engineer Group 'A' in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organization of the Indian Naval Armament Service should have any of the above mentioned degrees or M.Sc. (or equivalent) in Wireless Communication, Radio Physics, Electronics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.

Eligibility Criteria after Engineering Services Examination

After qualifying the Engineering Services Examination (ESE), candidates are required to undergo a medical examination as and when decided by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) irrespective of the fact that the candidate has undergone such medical test and found fit in that. The test will be conducted at various Railway Medical Board hospitals and the report of the Board will be binding for all.

IES/ESE Exam Previous Years Solved Papers

  • UPSC Civil Services & IFS Preliminary Solved Papers (E-Book) Download
  • IES 2009 - 2018 Previous Year Papers E-Book Download