Major Change Introduced in NIACL Assistant 2018 Preliminary Exam Pattern

Last Modified: 13 Feb 2025

Changes introduced in NIACL assistant exam 2018 preliminary pattern. The application window is open till 31st July 2018.

23rd July 2018: The New India Assurance Company Ltd. (NIACL) has released the recruitment notification for the post of Assistant on 13th July 2018. A total of 685 vacancies have been released under NIACL Assistant Recruitment Exercise 2018. The online application process has started from 16th July and will end on 31st July 2018. As per the official notification, a major change has been introduced in the NIACL exam pattern 2018. Here are the details:

NIACL Assistant Exam Pattern 2018 – Major Change

Sectional timings have been introduced in NIACL preliminary exam pattern. 20 minutes will be given for each section. Earlier, the exam was conducted for an hour without any sectional timing. Now, the candidates are required to adopt a smart approach to attempt a maximum number of questions in each section within the allotted time. Here is the exam pattern as provided in the official notification;


Number of Questions

Maximum Marks


English language



20 minutes

Numerical ability



20 minutes

Reasoning ability



20 minutes




1 Hour

Scroll left or right to view full table

The exam will be conducted through online mode in both Hindi and English languages (except for the English language test, which will be in English only). Negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer prevails in the examination.

Check out the NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2018 Official Notification

Selection Process

The NIACL Assistant recruitment will be done on the basis of Preliminary, Main, and Regional Language Test. The preliminary examination is tentatively scheduled to be conducted on 8th and 9th September and the Main examination is scheduled on 6th October. Admit cards for both the exams will be uploaded 10 days prior to the exams. The preliminary exam is of qualifying nature and the merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the main examination subject to qualifying the Regional Language Test. Shortlisted candidates will also have to go through the Medical Fitness Test.

Candidates can apply for the NIACL Assistant 2018 Exam through the official website until 31st July 2018.

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