LIC ADO Recruitment 2022 - Notification, Exam Date, Application Form, Pattern, Syllabus & Result
The Life Corporation of India (LIC) invites online applications from eligible candidates for the post of Apprentice Development Officers (ADO). The online notification is generally released in May. For the year 2022, the announcement is yet to be made. In 2019, LIC released a total of 8,581 vacancies in all the zones through the LIC ADO 2019 recruitment.
The job profile of an ADO is of a sales supervisor. An ADO is “required to sponsor suitable persons to be appointed as Life Insurance Agents, train them properly, and help the recruited agents to sell life insurance to a maximum number of persons.” The profile also covers handling after-sales services. The job includes tours of the allotted area.
Let’s move on to the article for details related to vacancies, eligibility, exam pattern, and more for the LIC ADO 2022 recruitment.
LIC ADO 2022 Latest Update - LIC is yet to release the LIC ADO 2022 recruitment notification. Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website.
LIC ADO 2022 - Quick Overview
Name of the Examination |
Apprentice Development Officer Exam 2022 (ADO Exam 2022) |
Exam Conducting Authority |
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) |
Official website |
www.licindia.in |
Mode of the Exam |
Online |
Type of Questions |
Objective type |
Phases of the examination |
Preliminary Main Interview Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination |
Negative Marking |
Not applicable |
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LIC ADO Exam 2022 Important Dates
The notification for the LIC ADO 2022 recruitment will be released soon. The important exam dates will be updated once the notification is out.
Exam Events |
Important Dates |
Commencement of online registration process |
To be announced |
Closure of the registration process |
To be announced |
Online fee payment |
To be announced |
Last date for printing the completed application form |
To be announced |
Availability of Admit Card |
To be announced |
LIC ADO (Preliminary) exam |
To be announced |
LIC ADO (Main) exam |
To be announced |
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LIC ADO Exam 2022 Pattern & Syllabus
LIC ADO 2022 Exam Pattern
The selection procedure of LIC ADO comprises online tests and Interview. A pre-recruitment medical examination will also be conducted before the final appointment. Here are the details:
Online Tests
I. For Apprentice Development Officer from Open Market Category - two-phase online test will be conducted viz.
- Preliminary phase and
- Main phase
II. For Apprentice Development Officer from Agents & Employee Category - single-phase online test will be conducted viz.
- Main Test
The pattern for both categories is as follows:
Open Market Category - Exam Pattern
Phase I - Preliminary Exam
Section |
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
2 |
Numerical Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
3 |
English Language |
30 |
30 |
20 minutes |
100 |
100 |
60 minutes |
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The question paper will be both Hindi and English languages except for the English section. The English section will be of qualifying nature and its marks will not be added for ranking. Only those who qualify the Phase-I are eligible for the Phase-II exam.
Phase II - Main Exam
Section |
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
Reasoning and Numerical Ability |
50 |
50 |
120 minutes |
2 |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and English Language |
50 |
50 |
3 |
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness (especially Life Insurance sector) |
50 |
50 |
150 |
150 |
120 minutes |
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Agent and Employee Category - Exam Pattern
A single i.e. Main examination will be conducted for this category. However, there will be a little different in the exam pattern for Agents and Employees. Let’s have a look here:
For Agent Category - Main Exam Pattern (single exam)
Section |
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
Reasoning and Numerical Ability |
25 |
10 |
120 minutes |
2 |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and English Language |
25 |
15 |
3 |
Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance |
50 |
125 |
100 |
150 |
120 minutes |
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For Employee Category - Main Exam Pattern (single exam)
Section |
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
Reasoning and Numerical Ability |
25 |
25 |
120 minutes |
2 |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and English Language |
25 |
25 |
3 |
Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing |
50 |
100 |
100 |
150 |
120 minutes |
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Candidates are required to score minimum qualifying marks in each section as well as minimum qualifying marks in aggregate. The minimum qualifying marks shall be decided by the LIC of India.
Only the marks obtained in the Main examination will be considered for shortlisting candidates for the Interview phase. The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of candidates’ performance in the Main exam and Interview.
Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination
Before the final appointment of selected candidates, a medical examination will be conducted. The candidates must be found medically fit for final appointment. The medical test will be conducted by the Medical Examiner appointed by the LIC.
LIC ADO 2022 Syllabus
LIC has not prescribed any specific syllabus for the LIC ADO exam. However, candidates must check out the previous years’ question papers to get an idea. Moreover, various preparation books are also available in the market where experts have compiled the topics for the exam on the basis of previous years’ exam.
LIC ADO Exam 2022 Eligibility
LIC invites applications not only from eligible candidates but also from its employees and agents. Thus, eligibility for the LIC ADO 2022 recruitment can be categorised as under:
- Eligibility for Agents Category (individual appointed as an agent with the Corporation)
- Eligibility for Employees Category (a confirmed whole-time salaried employee in the Corporation)
- Eligibility for Open Market Category
Educational Qualification Requirements
Candidates’ Category |
Qualification Requirements |
For candidates under Employees and Agents category |
Bachelor’s degree of a University in India established under a statute or approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai. |
For open market category candidates |
Bachelor’s degree of a University in India established under a statute or approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai. |
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As per the official notification; “Preference may be given to those applicants who have good knowledge of insurance marketing and also those who possess Masters Degree in Business Administration in Marketing or Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing from a University in India established under Statute or by an Institute approved by All India Council for Technical Education or a recognized Institution.”
Age Limit (as on 1st May 2022)
- Minimum age limit - 21 years
- Maximum age limit - 30 years
The upper/maximum age limit is relaxable as under:
S.No. |
Category |
Age Limit (in years) |
1 |
SC/ST category |
35 |
2 |
OBC category |
33 |
3 |
LIC Employee who does not belong to SC/ST/OBC category |
42 |
4 |
LIC Employee who belong to the OBC category |
45 |
5 |
LIC Employee who belong to SC/ST category |
47 |
6 |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE* who does not belong to SC/ST/OBC category |
40 |
7 |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE who belong to OBC category |
43 |
8 |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE who belong to SC/ST category |
45 |
9 |
Ex-serviceman |
30 increased by the number of years of service in the armed forces subject to a maximum age of 45 years where he is a member of OBCs and, 47 years where he is a member of SC or ST and, Maximum of 42 years in other than SC, ST, OBC cases. |
10 |
All others |
30 |
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*DSE/FSE = Direct Sales Executive/Financial Service Executive
Experience (as on 1st May 2022)
Applicants’ Category |
For Recruitment in Urban Areas |
For Recruitment in Rural Areas |
Employee |
Not less than 3 years of service in Class III post |
Agent |
Not less than 5 years as an agent/DSE/FSE and has brought a net 1st-year premium income of minimum ₹ 5,00,000 during the immediately preceding 5 financial years and a net 1st-year premium income of minimum ₹ 1,00,000/- on 50 lives in each of any 3 financial years. |
Not less than 4 years as an agent/DSE/FSE and has brought a net 1st-year premium income of minimum ₹ 1,00,000 on 50 lives per year in any 3 of the immediately preceding 4 financial years. |
Open Market |
At least two years of experience in the life insurance industry will be prefered. |
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LIC ADO Exam 2022 Application Process
The online registration process for the LIC ADO 2022 recruitment will be held online at the official website. LIC has released different notifications for different zones. Candidates must apply for ONLY ONE division from the following divisions:
- Bhopal
- Bilaspur
- Gwalior
- Indore
- Jabalpur
- Raipur
- Satna
- Shahdol
Candidates are advised to apply well before the last date to avoid the last-minute rush. Applications will be accepted only through the online mode.
LIC ADO Exam 2022 Application Process
The application process can be completed in three steps:
- Registration
- Fee payment
- Documents upload
It is a good idea to keep the scanned images of documents to be uploaded ready beforehand. Here are the specifications for the same:
Scan the following documents:
- Recent passport size colour photograph (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm). The size of the scanned file should be between 20 KB to 50 KB.
- Signature (in black ink) in JPG format. The file size must be between 10 KB to 20 KB.
- Left thumb impression (on white paper with black/blue ink) in JPG/JPEG format with a file size between 20 KB and 50 KB.
- A handwritten declaration on white paper with black ink with the content -
“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
File size - 50 KB to 100 KB.
- The thumb impression/signature must not be in CAPITAL LETTERS.
LIC ADO 2022 Registration
- Visit the Careers section of LIC India.
- Click on the ‘Recruitment of Apprentice Development Officers 2022’ link.
- Click on the ‘Click Here for Apply Online’ link.
- Now click on ‘Click here for New Registration’ button on the top corner.
- Read the instructions and click on the ‘Continue’ button.
- Enter the details asked for viz. Name, mobile number, and email ID and click ‘Save & Next’ button.
- An application number and password will be generated and sent to your registered email ID.
- Move with the application process or you can save the details and log in later to complete the application form.
- Verify all the details carefully before clicking the ‘Final Submit’ button.
- After completing the application details, move to the documents upload section.
Documents Upload
- Upload the scanned images of photograph, signature, thumb impression, and declaration. Upload the documents at their designated fields.
- Complete the other details in the form and submit them. You can modify the details (if required) before final submission.
- Now move ahead with the payment section.
Fee Payment
The application fee has to be paid as per the category as under:
- For SC/ST - ₹ 50 + transaction charges
- For other category candidates - ₹ 600 plus transaction charges
The application fee can be paid using debit cards/credit cards/mobile wallets/internet banking etc. An e-receipt will be generated on successful payment of the application fee. Keep the e-receipt safe.
Take a print of the confirmation page/completed application on an A-4 size paper and keep it safe. Please do not send the hard copy of the application fee to LIC of India.
LIC ADO Exam 2022 Other Details
LIC ADO 2022 Vacancies
LIC 2022 vacancies will be released once the notification is out. There was no recruitment in 2020. For the year 2019, 8,581 vacancies were announced. Check out the table below for category-wise and zone-wise distribution of the 8,581 vacancies:
Zones |
Vacancies |
General |
SC |
ST |
Total |
East Zonal Office, Kolkata |
391 |
173 |
174 |
101 |
83 |
922 |
East Central Zone, Patna |
302 |
104 |
95 |
138 |
62 |
701 |
Western Zone, Mumbai |
808 |
368 |
174 |
245 |
158 |
1753 |
North Zone Office, New Delhi |
451 |
251 |
256 |
70 |
102 |
1130 |
North Central Zone, Kanpur |
447 |
260 |
228 |
11 |
96 |
1042 |
South Zone, Chennai |
589 |
309 |
228 |
10 |
121 |
1257 |
South Central Zone, Hyderabad |
530 |
297 |
217 |
89 |
118 |
1251 |
Central Zone, Bhopal |
209 |
62 |
80 |
127 |
47 |
525 |
3,727 |
1,824 |
1,452 |
791 |
787 |
8581 |
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Guarantee Bond
As per the official notification; “Before joining as Apprentice Development Officer, candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of four years from the date of joining (including apprenticeship period) failing which he/she or his/her heirs, executors, administrators will be liable to pay liquidated damages of ₹ 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) to the Corporation. The candidate will have to submit an Indemnity Bond of ₹ 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) duly stamped and executed by a Surety of sound financial standing and not related to the candidate. The stamp value of the Bond will be as applicable to the State in which the bond is executed.”
LIC ADO 2022 Admit Card
The admit card for the LIC ADO 2022 exam will be uploaded to the official website and candidates can download the same using their login credentials. Intimation for the availability of the admit card will also be sent through SMS/E-Mail. Candidates must affix their passport size photograph on the admit card. Carry the admit card to the examination centre along with the Photo ID proof (photocopy and original).
LIC ADO 2022 Result
The Life Insurance Corporation of India will declare LIC ADO Result 2022 on the official website. Separate results will be released for Preliminary and Main phase exams. Candidates who have applied for the same can check and download their LIC ADO Scorecard 2022 by visiting the official website which is licindia.in. The final sarkari result for the exam will be released after the completion of the Interview process.
LIC ADO Exam Frequently Asked Questions
LIC ADO is a post of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) in the Life Insurance Corporation of India. LIC conducts the LIC ADO recruitment exam every year for an appointment at this post. Candidates with a graduation degree can apply for the exam.
The job profile of the LIC ADO includes sales supervision and training of recruited sales agents for selling the policies. It also includes providing after-sales service for policyholders and might include tours of the allotted area.
Yes. After the completion of the training period, the candidates are appointed as Development Officers. The corporation might put some candidates on probation for one year which can be extended up to two years.
The official notification states that the candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree. B.Tech. is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree so you are eligible to apply for the exam.
The Preliminary phase examination dates are not announced yet.
The Main phase exam dates are yet to be announced.
There are no confirmed dates yet. However, the final result will be announced after the completion of the Interview process. Keep a check on the official website.
Yes, the candidates selected from the other than the ‘Employee’ category will be given ? 34,503/- per month as a stipend.
Yes, there will be a probation period of one year which can be extended up to two years.
No. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers at any phase of the examination.
No, the application fee has to be submitted only through the online mode.
No, the application fee is non-refundable.