UGC NET Complete Syllabus for Sociology Paper II - Updated 2022
Clearing UGC NET Exam is not a cakewalk, one must have through practice and preparation for the exam as per his subject. UGC NET Exam consists of 81 different subjects. Each candidate gets to choose one subject as per his or her eligibility. Out of these 81 subjects, Sociology is considered to be one of the toughest papers. Candidates appearing for Sociology paper must be thoroughly prepared with the subject as per the syllabus officially recommended by the UGC.
In a UGC NET exam, every candidate needs to appear for the Paper-I which is a General paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude. Paper-II is to be taken as per the subject selected by the applicants. To help aspirants appearing for Sociology, below we have provided the updated syllabus for Sociology Paper-II for the UGC NET exam.
UGC NET Sociology Syllabus for Paper-II
Unit 1. Sociological Theory
- Classical Sociological Traditions
- Emile Durkheim
- Max Weber
- Karl Marx
- Structure- Functionalism and Structuralism
- Bronislaw Malinowski
- A.R. Radcliffe- Brown
- Talcott Parsons
- Robert K. Merton
- Claude Levi Strauss
- Hermeneutic and Interpretative Traditions
- G.H. Mead
- Karl Manheim
- Alfred Schutz
- Harold Garfinkel
- Erving Goffman
- Clifford Geertz
- Post Modernism, Post Structuralism and Post Colonialism
- Edward Said
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Michel Foucault
- Jurgen Habermas
- Anthony Giddens
- Manuel Castells
- Indian Thinkers
- M.K. Gandhi B.R. Ambedkar Radha Kamal Mukherjee
- G. S. Ghurye
- M.N. Srinivas
- Irawati Karve
Unit - 2 : Research Methodology and Methods
- Conceptualizing Social Reality
- Philosophy of Science
- Scientific Method and Epistemology in Social Science
- Hermeneutic Traditions
- Objectivity and Reflexivity in Social Science
- Ethics and Politics
- Formulating Research Design
- Reading Social Science Research, Data and Documents
- Induction and Deduction
- Fact, Concept and Theory
- Hypotheses, Research Questions, Objectives
- Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
- Ethnography
- Survey Method
- Historical Method
- Comparative Method
- Techniques
- Sampling
- Questionnaire and Schedule
- Statistical Analysis
- Observation, Interview and Case Study
- Interpretation, Data Analysis and Report Writing
Unit -3: Basic Concepts and Institutions
- Sociological Concepts
- Social Structure
- Culture
- Network
- Status and Role
- Identity
- Community
- Diaspora
- Values, Norms and Rules
- Personhood, Habitus and Agency
- Bureaucracy, Power and Authority
- Social Institutions
- Marriage, Family and Kinship
- Economy
- Polity
- Religion
- Education
- Law and Customs
- Social Stratification
- Social Difference, Hierarchy, Inequality and Marginalization
- Caste and Class
- Gender, Sexuality and Disability
- Race, Tribe and Ethnicity
- Social Change and Processes
- Evolution and Diffusion
- Modernization and Development
- Social Transformations and Globalization
- Social Mobility
Unit – 4 : Rural and Urban Transformations
- Rural and Peasant Society
- Caste-Tribe Settlements
- Agrarian Social Structure and Emergent Class Relations
- Land Ownership and Agrarian Relations
- Decline of Agrarian Economy, De-Peasantization and Migration
- Agrarian Unrest and Peasant Movements
- Changing Inter-Community Relations and Violence
- Urban Society
- Urbanism, Urbanity and Urbanization
- Towns, Cities and Mega-Cities
- Industry, Service and Business
- Neighbourhood, Slums and Ethnic Enclaves
- Middle Class and Gated Communities
- Urban Movements and Violence
Unit – 5 : State, Politics and Development
- Political Processes in India
- Tribe, Nation State and Border
- Bureaucracy
- Governance and Development
- Public Policy: Health, Education and Livelihoods
- Political Culture
- Grass-root Democracy
- Law and Society
- Gender and Development
- Corruption
- Role of International Development Organizations
- Social Movements and Protests
- Political Factions, Pressure Groups
- Movements based on Caste, Ethnicity, Ideology, Gender, Disability, Religion and Region
- Civil Society and Citizenship
- NGOs, Activism and Leadership
- Reservations and Politic
Unit – 6 : Economy and Society
- Exchange, Gift , Capital, Labour and Market
- Mode of Production Debates
- Property and Property Relations
- State and Market: Welfarism and Neoliberalism
- Models of Economic Development
- Poverty and Exclusion
- Factory and Industry Systems
- Changing Nature of Labour Relations
- Gender and Labour Process
- Business and Family
- Digital Economy, E-Commerce
- Global Business and Corporates
- Tourism
- Consumption
Unit - 7: Environment and Society
- Social and Cultural Ecology: Diverse Forms
- Technological Change, Agriculture and Biodiversity
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Ethno-Medicine
- Gender and Environment
- Forest Policies, Adivasis and Exclusion
- Ecological Degradation and Migration
- Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation
- Water and Social Exclusion
- Disasters and Community Responses
- Environmental Pollution, Public Health and Disability
- Climate Change and International Policies
- Environmental Movements
Unit - 8: Family, Marriage and Kinship
- Theoretical Approaches: Structure-Functionalist, Alliance and Cultural
- Gender Relations and Power Dynamics
- Inheritance, Succession and Authority
- Gender, Sexuality and Reproduction
- Children, Youth and Elderly
- Emotions and Family
- Emergent Forms of Family
- Changing Marriage Practices
- Changing Care and Support Systems
- Family Laws
- Domestic Violence and Crime against Women
- Honour Killing
Unit - 9 : Science, Technology and Society
- History of Technological Development
- Changing notions of Time and Space
- Flows and Boundaries
- Virtual Community
- Media: Print and Electronic, Visual and Social Media
- E-Governance and Surveillance Society
- Technology and Emerging Political Processes
- State Policy, Digital Divide and Inclusion
- Technology and Changing Family Relations
- Technology and Changing Health Systems
- Food and Technology
- Cyber Crime
Unit - 10 : Culture and Symbolic Transformations
- Signs and Symbols
- Rituals, Beliefs and Practices
- Changing Material Culture
- Moral Economy
- Education: Formal and Informal
- Religious Organizations, Piety and Spirituality
- Commodification of Rituals
- Communalism and Secularism
- Cultural Identity and Mobilization
- Culture and Politics
- Gender, Body and Culture
- Art and Aesthetics
- Ethics and Morality
- Sports and Culture
- Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism
- Religion and Economy
- Culture and Environment
- New Religious Movements
Also Read : UGC NET Syllabus For Political Science Paper II