National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2021 Eligibility Criteria in Detail

Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025

Eligibility criteria for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) UG are specified in the Indian Medical Council Act-1956/Regulations (amended in 2018) and the Dentist Act-1948/Regulations (amended in 2018).

Eligibility Criteria for NEET UG Exam

  • Students should be of 17 years of age at the time of admission or on or before 31 December of the first year of MBBS/BDS course.
  • There is no upper age limit for the exam until the Supreme Court passes its judgement on the petition. The details of the petition are as under as per the NEET 2020 notification:

“The upper age limit of 25 years as prescribed under the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997 vide amendment dated 22.01.2018, was challenged before the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and the said upper age limit had been upheld vide judgement dated 11.05.2018 in W.P. No.1813/2018 & other connected matters. The said judgement dated 11.05.2018 was challenged before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in SLP (C) No. 14320/2018 & other connected matters when vide interim order dated 29.11.2018, candidates who are 25 years and above were provisionally permitted to appear in NEET-UG-2019 subject to the final outcome of the said matters. The Supreme Court thereafter, vide order dated 29.04.2019 had permitted the candidates to appear provisionally in the Counselling subject to the adjudication of the matters. The aforesaid matters are pending adjudication before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and the authorities shall abide by any order that may be passed for NEET-UG-2020.

Thus, the candidates above 25 years are provisionally permitted to appear and their candidature is subject to the outcome of pending Petitions before the Hon'ble Supreme Court.”

Accordingly, the revised eligibility conditions for age limit are as under:



For General (UR)/ General (EWS) category candidates

Born on or before 31st December 2003

For SC/ ST/ OBC-NCL/ PwD category candidates

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  • Indian Nationals, Overseas Citizen of India (OCIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) & Foreign Nationals are eligible to appear in NEET (UG)-2021.
  • Candidates from J&K state are eligible for 15% All India Quota seats on submission of self-declaration. The draft for self-declaration form is provided in the official notification.
  • For all Indian citizens, the aadhaar card number is mandatory to apply for NEET.

Educational Requirements and Qualifying Examination Codes

While filling the NEET online application form, candidates are required to provide the code of qualifying examination passed against the column provided for Qualification examination. So, here are all the codes as per NEET 2021.


Candidate appearing in class 12th boards 2021 (qualifying examination) are also eligible to appear for NEET. The important point to be noted here is if the candidate does not pass the qualifying exam with required marks at the time of first counselling, he will not be considered eligible for MBBS/BDS admission.


The Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE) or the Senior Secondary Examination, which is equivalent to 10+2, comprising Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and Physics (including practical tests in all these subjects) Mathematics or other electives with English as prescribed by the NCERT (National Council of Education Research and Training), after the introduction of 10+2+3 educational structure as suggested by the National Committee on Education.

Note: If the course content of the 10+2 education structure is not prescribed by the National Committee, candidates have to undergo one-year pre-professional training before admission to any medical college.


NEET Exam Previous Years Solved Papers

  • NEET Exam 12 Years Solved Papers (E-Book) Download

The Pre-degree/Intermediate Examination in Science from an Indian University/Board or other recognised examination body with Biology/Bio-technology, Chemistry, Physics (including practical tests) and English as a compulsory subject.


The Pre-professional/Pre-medical Examination with Biology/Bio-technology, Chemistry, Physics (including practical test) and English (compulsory) after passing either the Pre-University or the Higher Secondary Examination or an equivalent examination.


The first year of the three years’ degree course from a recognised University with Bio-technology/Biology, Physics, Chemistry (with practical tests) provided the examination is a University Examination and candidate has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Biology/Bio-technology, Chemistry, Physics and English (at least core -level course)


B.Sc. Examination from an Indian University provided that the candidate has passed the B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of these subjects - Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Bio-technology, Chemistry, Physics and further he has passed the earlier qualifying examination (class 12th) with Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English.


Any other examination which is found to be equivalent to 10+2 examination of an Indian University/Board with Biology/Bio-technology, Physics, Chemistry (including practical tests) and English.

Please Note: If any candidate doesn’t fall within the above-mentioned qualifications as per codes 02 to 07, he/she should mention the qualifying examination code as 01 along with complete details of the exam.

Candidates must have passed (or appearing in 2021) any of the qualifying examination mentioned above (Code 01 to 07). The candidate must have passed Biology/ Biotechnology, Physics, Chemistry, and English individually. Along with this, the candidate must secure the following minimum percentage marks in all the subjects taken together:


Marks in Qualifying (10+2) Examination





PH/PWD (General)




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Please Note: "Marks obtained in Mathematics will not be considered for admission in MBBS/BDS courses".

Candidates who have studied under an International Board must ensure that the qualifying exam passed by them is in the scope of above-mentioned code: 07. Such candidates must have passed "Biology/ Biotechnology, Physics, Chemistry and English" with 50% marks to appear in NEET 2021 Medical Entrance Exam.

Recommended Study Material for NEET Exam

  • Complete NEET Guide Biology Download
  • Target NEET 2021 (2020 - 12 Solved Papers + 10 Mock Papers) Download
  • Objective NCERT at your Fingertips - Biology Download
  • 12 Years Solved Papers CBSE AIPMT & NEET Download


Devang, March 15, 2019

Which board do you suggest for NEET