CBSE Board Exam 2018: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Class XII Physics Paper

Last Modified: 21 Oct 2024

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is all set to commence the examinations for the academic year 2017-18 (for both class X and XII) from 05 March 2018 after the Holi festival.

Students, teachers and parents are leaving no stone unturned for Board exam preparations. Even the Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has provided some Stress Busters for Board exam students in an event “Pariksha pe Charcha” held recently in New Delhi.

Here at Exams Planner, we extend our helping hands to students for the toughest paper (as considered by most of the students) of science stream – Physics. We found some valuable suggestions from the interview held by India Today with a Senior Physics teacher, Shampa Chakraborty, at Hariyana Vidya Mandir School, Kolkata on Physics paper. An experienced board examiner who has dedicated 20 years of service in teaching profession throws some light on silly mistakes students do in the Physics Paper which results in marks deduction.

The students from class XII Science stream will be appearing for CBSE Board Physics paper on 07 March 2018.

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in CBSE Class XII Physics Paper

Here are some mistakes you can avoid to save yourself from marks deduction:

Keep a Check on the Answer Word Limit

Students should make sure that they answer every question in accordance with the word limit. Writing a half page answer for a 1 mark question is silly. Don’t waste your time.

Skipping the Formula

Sometimes students forget to write the formula while solving the numerical questions. Please note that marks are allotted for writing the formula; not writing it will result in marks deduction even if your answer is right.

Confusion in Numerator and Denominator

Another most common mistake is flipping the numerator and denominator in the formulae and then solving the numerical accordingly. Though the procedure you follow is right, the answer will be wrong. Thus, no marks will be awarded.

Error in capacitance Formula

For finding capacitance in a series,

The correct formula is:

1/c= 1/c1 + 1/c2

While students commonly write:

c= 1/c1 + 1/c2

Make sure you avoid this mistake.

Short Answers

In value-based questions carrying 2 marks, don’t end the answer in one sentence. Write at least 3-4 sentences for full marks.

Diagram Labelling

Do label the diagrams properly (preferably with pencil).

Missing out Parts of Question

In Physics, a single question may have two or three parts. Read the question carefully and answer all the parts of the question. It would be better if you answer every part in a fresh line or highlight the answers of every part of the question.

The One Word Question

If the answer of the question is a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, then also write the reason in support of your answer. Don’t just leave it on ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Writing wrong Question Number

This is like a blunder because you know the answer and just because the question number is incorrect, you will lose entire marks. So, make sure you write the correct question number even if you answer the last question at the first.


Sometimes students re-write an answer and forget to strike out the previous one. Please note that if you re-write any answer, strike out the first one. As per CBSE guidelines, examiners are asked to accept the first answer in case of duplicity of an answer.

Indeed, these are some valuable points to score better in the examination. We hope you will avoid these silly mistakes in your CBSE Board Class XII Physics Paper.  Remember saving marks from silly mistakes is also one of the things you should practice for during the preparation phase.

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