UPSEE BHMCT Admission - Complete Syllabus for Paper-4
The Paper-4 of the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) is conducted for admission to the first year of the Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Bachelor of Fashion & Apparel Design (BFAD), Master of Business Administration (MBA) Integrated course. The paper comprises of 100 objective type questions from Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English Language, and General Knowledge section. Here, the article comprises of the detailed syllabus for all the sections. Print the syllabus and get started with your exam preparations.
UPSEE 2020 Syllabus Paper-4
As mentioned above the Paper-4 of the UPSEE exam will comprise of four sections :
- Reasoning & Logical Deduction
- Numerical Ability & Scientific Aptitude
- English Language
- General Knowledge
A total of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are asked from these sections. The total marks for the exam are 400. The question paper is in both Hindi and English.
Reasoning & Logical Deduction
- Geometrical designs & Identification
- Completion of numerical series based on the pattern/logic
- Selection of related letters/words/numbers/figures
- Identification of odd thing/item out from a group
- Fill in the blanks (series based on the numerical pattern and logic of the series)
- Syllogism (logic based questions) - identification of a logic & selection of correct answers based on the logic
Numerical Ability & Scientific Aptitude
- Calculation of fractions, percentages, square roots etc.
- Arithmetical questions up to 10th standard
- Profit & Loss and Interest calculations
- Data/Table analysis, Pie Chart analysis, and Graph & Bar Diagram
- Questions related to the common use of science (Physics & Chemistry)
- Health & Nutrition
English Language
- Word Meanings
- Meaning of Phrases & Idioms
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Fill in the blanks
- Complete/Improvement of the sentences with the correct use of Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs & Adjectives
- Reading comprehension followed by questions
General Knowledge
- Historical events
- Geography including Tourist Places/Sports
- Current affairs/Events ( Social, Political, Cultural & Economics)
- Current affairs relating to Business &Trade
- Countries & Currencies
- Sports & Games
- Latest Who's Who?
Candidates must check for the previous years’ question papers and practice them to get an idea about the type of questions and difficulty level. The preparation books are easily available in the market. For securing a high rank in the UPSEE exam and getting admission into a good college, candidates must start preparing for the entrance examination along with their class XIIth studies. We wish you all the best for you UPSEE preparations.